Sure Signs A Woman Has Not Been Sexually Active

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There are many reasons why a woman might not be sexually active. Maybe she’s shy, maybe she’s not ready, or maybe she’s just not that into sex. Whatever the reason, there are some telltale signs, that can give you a clue as to whether or not a woman is sexually active. Therefore sure signs a woman has not been sexually active cannot be overlooked. It is good to know why your partner cannot give you that sexual satisfaction.

However, these unique signs may indicate that she is inexperienced. Of course, it’s important to remember that everyone experiences their sexual awakening differently. And there is no “right” or “wrong” way to go about it.

With that said, here are some common signs to look for that show a woman has not been sexually active.

She’s uncomfortable talking about sex

If a woman is uncomfortable talking about sex, it’s likely because she’s either not experienced with it or she’s not interested in it. Either way, this is a sign that she’s not sexually active.

She doesn’t know much about sex.

When a woman doesn’t know much about sex, it’s probably because she hasn’t had much experience with it. This lack of knowledge can be due to inexperience or disinterest.

However, if she is inexperienced in the bedroom may affect her relationship with her partner. Meanwhile, due to her inexperience in the bedroom. She may not know how to please her partner or may be afraid to try new things. This lack of experience can lead to awkwardness or fumbling during sex.

She doesn’t talk about her sexual experiences (or lack thereof)

If a woman isn’t forthcoming about her sexual experiences (or lack thereof). It could be because she’s either not experienced or not interested in sex. Either way, this is another sign that she might not be sexually active.

Unsurprisingly, someone who is not sexually experienced may avoid talking about her sexual history with a new partner. This avoidance could stem from feelings of insecurity or shame about the fact that she has not had much (or any) sexual experience.

She’s uncomfortable with touches in certain areas of her body

When a woman is uncomfortable when you try to touch her in certain areas of her body. It could be because she hasn’t been touched there before (i.e., she’s a virgin). Or because she doesn’t like being touched there (i.e., she doesn’t like sex). Either way, this is an indication that she’s not sexually active.

She has never had an orgasm

If a woman has never had an orgasm, it could be because she doesn’t enjoy sex. Or because she hasn’t been able to have one due to inexperience or lack of knowledge/skill. In any case, this is yet another sign that the woman in question is probably not sexually active.

She avoids anything related to sex

If a woman actively avoids anything related to sex. It’s likely because she doesn’t want to think about it or because she isn’t interested in it. This includes avoiding discussions about sex, and movies/TV shows with sexual content. And even topics like reproductive health and/or birth control options.

She doesn’t want to have sex

This one should be pretty obvious, but if a woman says outright that she doesn’t want to have sex, then chances are good that she isn’t sexually active (or at least wasn’t the last time you asked).

She has never been married nor had children

If a woman falls into the “never been married” category and also never had children out of wedlock. Then it’s highly likely that this individual is NOT sexually active. At this point, it’s possible that they may simply be waiting for marriage. OR they may just have NO desire whatsoever to engage in sexual activity.

She Avoids Situations Where She Might Be Sexually Aroused

An inexperienced woman may avoid situations where she might become sexually aroused. This includes watching romantic movies or being around couples who are engaging in public displays of affection. This avoidance could be due to feelings of anxiety or insecurity about her own sexuality.

She Doesn’t Talk About Her Sexual Fantasies Or Desires

Someone who is not sexually experienced may be reluctant to talk about her sexual fantasies or desires with her partner. This reluctance could stem from feelings of shame or embarrassment about what she wants in bed.

She Doesn’t Know How To Masturbate

Masturbation can be a great way to learn more about one’s own body and sexual preferences. But an inexperienced woman may not know how to do it properly (or at all). This lack of knowledge can make it difficult for her to orgasm during sex with a partner.

She Hasn’t Had Many Partners

If a woman hasn’t had many partners, it’s likely because she hasn’t had much (or any) sexual experience. This lack of experience can make sex feel less enjoyable or even painful if she isn’t properly aroused beforehand.

She Gets Nervous Around Naked Bodies

An inexperienced woman may feel nervous or uncomfortable around naked bodies (including her own). This feeling of anxiety could make it difficult for her to undress in front of her partner or enjoy being nude herself.

She Prefers the “Missionary Position”

The missionary position is often considered the “default” position for heterosexual couples. But this doesn’t mean that it’s the only one available (or that it’s even the best one). If a woman always wants to have sex in this position. It could be because she feels more comfortable with it and is thus less likely to orgasm from other positions.


If they were previously married but are now divorced. The same story applies if they still remain celibate post-divorce.

Generally, there are many reasons why a woman might not be sexually active. Moreover, some women are more comfortable than others discussing their experiences (or lack thereof). However, there are some telltale signs that can give you a clue as to whether or not a woman is sexually active, such as discomfort talking about sex, avoiding anything related to sex, and saying outright that she doesn’t want to have sex.

These include avoidance of situations where she might become sexually aroused and lack of knowledge about masturbation and other sexual activities. If you’re wondering whether or not the woman in your life is sexually active, keep an eye out for these signs.

Sex education as a solution

If you suspect that your partner is not sexually experienced, the best thing you can do is talk to her about it directly. There is nothing effective communication can not do. You need to help her out when she opens up for you.

So that you can figure out how to proceed together comfortably and safely. Thereafter, you can enjoy each other and have sexual satisfaction.

Moreover, you can also seek professional help in sex education if you want to learn more about how to satisfy your partner in bed. If you’re feeling shy, it’s highly recommended.

Signs a woman has not been sexually active

Also read: Intimate Questions to Heat Up Your Relationship in the Bedroom

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1 thought on “Sure Signs A Woman Has Not Been Sexually Active”

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