A good relationship or marriage is all about a good connection and love, we often say that love is the foundation of a happy home or any relationship. But to be honest, love is not enough. If you desire a healthy marriage or relationship, both of you should be ready to put in the work. You need to apply some of the important keys that can sustain marriage/relationship.
Marriage is sweet when both of you are determined to play your own role diligently. This will sustain your marriage and you’ll experience heaven on earth in your home.
It makes the job easier for both, this will also make you stay firm and strong in overcoming trial times.

Celebrate Your Wedding Anniversary
Celebrate your wedding anniversary no matter how small it may be, every marriage anniversary is worth celebrating. It reminds you of a lot of things in your marriage, where you are coming from, where you are now, and where you are going that is the future of your home.
Anniversary day is a day of reflection and happiness just to see how you’ve been growing, and waxing stronger together in love. Make each year count and enjoy every bit of it. As you progress in your marriage, you will learn to appreciate each other more.

Remember that there is no perfect home, but when both of you put in your best, you’ll be amazed by how better things will turn out in your marriage/relationship.

Divorce has been on the rise with lots of homes facing one challenge or the other. So the need to sustain our marriage/relationship is very crucial.
I’ve learned a lot of things in my 21 years of marriage and I’m still learning anyway.
So I’d like to share with you 21 things that can sustain your relationship/marriage and this is based on my experience from this marriage institution.
Do you ever remember your wedding anniversary? Are you struggling in your marriage? Are you planning to quit your marriage?
I have good news for you, make use of these important keys that can sustain marriage/relationship, and you too will have every reason to celebrate your wedding anniversary each year by rekindling your love and wedding vows again.

21 Important Keys That Can Sustain Marriage/Relationship
1. Let God be the center and the pillar of your home
Commit your home to the hands of God. The bible says, that except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it. You cannot do anything with your power or wisdom. Let God be the cornerstone of your home because in him we live, move, and have our being.

2. Appreciate, cherish, and be honest with each other
What you don’t appreciate, you can never value. It’s always good to appreciate and cherish each other. When your partner knows this, it solidifies your relationship.
Be real to your partner and be transparent in everything you do. There shouldn’t be pretense between both partners, you just have to be real to make your marriage work. You have to be honest, open-minded, and be truthful with each other.

3. Always pray together
A family that prays together stays together. Prayer can solve a lot of problems, always activate your faith together in prayer. You will see God’s promises being manifested in your home. This is one of the important keys that can sustain a marriage/relationship.
4. Respect each other
Respect is reciprocal, if you respect your partner, be sure you will get respect back. Moreover, you cannot get what you cannot give, respect is crucial for marriage’s success.

5. Be faithful to each other
You should be faithful in all your ways, you should not play a double game, it will catch up with you. Since you have said ‘YES or I DO’, you have to cut off every other relationship in your life. Be focused and accountable only to your spouse alone.

6. Don’t hide any secret from each other
You have to be open to each other. Tell him/her about that secret or else, the secret will come out one day, and it will be so embarrassing and shameful if he/she finds out by himself/herself.
One good thing about life is that nothing is hidden under heaven because what you call a secret if only one person knows about it means the whole world has already known it.

7. Take decisions together
Always take decisions together, it takes two to tangle and walk together in harmony. You cannot make a decision on behalf of your partner and you expect it to work without having his/her own opinion. When you decide together, then the goal is achievable.
8. Be there for one another
Your partner should be able to count on you at any time, whether a good time or a bad time. Life is full of challenges, ups, and downs, your partner should be able to look back and see you standing firm by him/her in trial time.
9. Forgive each other
Learn how to forgive, because marriage is a school of offense, your partner will definitely hurt you whether you like it or not, yet you still have to forgive.
Marriage is all about offenses and forgiveness because there is no perfect person on earth. Be mature enough to forgive your partner in advance and peace will reign in your home.
10. Accept each other’s strengths and weakness
You need to know your partner’s strengths and weaknesses. Celebrate each other’s strengths but do not capitalize on each other’s weaknesses because you also have your shortcomings.
11. Celebrate each other
Always celebrate each other’s achievements, and let your partner’s happiness be yours. Remember, you are no longer two but one. Celebrating your partner’s achievement simply means you’re celebrating yourself.
There should be no room for competition in your marriage. Being in competition with each other will eventually destroy your marriage.

12. Trust and believe in each other
Always know what your partner can do, believe, and trust in each other. You can both work towards the level of trust through open and honest communication. Each individual should be involved in sharing mutual trust in marriage or relationships. Don’t be scared to put in the good work, you and your spouse will both be grateful.
13. Do not Involve the third party when settling disputes
You should always avoid the third party in your home. Find a way of settling grievances amicably and always let them go and move on.
A third party is sometimes one-sided, they may not tell you your own fault but the fault of your partner. Most especially when they are your own family.
Communication is a very important key in marriage, always talk together in order to express your feelings to each other rather than the third party.
Though the third party might work for some people in some situations. I have never involved a third party in my 21 years of marriage. We settle our dispute amicably and put it behind us.
14. Always ready to say sorry and apologize to each other
You should learn to say sorry and apologize when there is an issue. It does not reduce you or does not mean you are a fool. Saying sorry is a sign of maturity that you truly love your partner. Be patient and tolerate each other.

15. Total submission and unconditional love
When a woman submits totally to her husband, unconditional love (agape love) is what she gets in return from him. This is the magic of a successful home. And when the husband on his own part expresses his love unconditionally, the woman too submits automatically. And they both enjoy a blissful marriage.
16. Defend each other in any situation you find yourself no matter what
Do not listen to rumormonger, if someone calls you and tells you a story about your partner, you should be able to say no and defend your partner. Whatever you say in such a situation speaks a lot.
17. Always be available and accessible to each other
There is a difference between availability and accessibility. You can be available but not accessible by your partner.
For example, when it comes to answering the call of nature (S*X) when your partner demands it. There should be a mutual understanding when it comes to meeting the desire of each other, it brings more intimacy between both of you.
19. Always be ready to compromise
You should be ready to compromise, many times you need to deny yourself a lot of pleasures just for your marriage’s sake.
Always know that your opinion may not be right all the time, or you may not always have your way every time. This is part of the sacrifice you need to make for you to be happy and sustain your home.
20. You should learn to play together.
Work without play is incomplete. Try to create a happy mood in your home, play together irrespective of age, have fun together, crack some jokes that make your partner laugh, and get away from tension.
21. Always be positive together
You should always have the same spirit and reason together that things will work out together for your good. You need to be on the same page hope for the better and avoid negativity in your home.

Also, be a teacher and encourager to each other, you should learn to lift each other up at any time.
Remember that marriage is a journey, it is like a garden that needs to be taken care of so that it keeps on flourishing.
You need to keep learning and working on your marriage every day. Marriage is beautiful, so desire to build your home and enjoy it. All these are the important keys that can sustain marriage/relationship.

Read more
5 Things that women should avoid in marriage/relationship to be happy.
8 Thing Nagging Does in A Marriage/Relationship And How To Avoid It.
Very nice mama tola. It’s worth the read.
Thank you very much Love Vine
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